This small workshop is targetted to Physics students who are interested in knowing what are the open questions in Theoretical Particle Physics. The participants will have the opportunity of interacting with researchers from Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas (CFTP) and get to know about research opportunities at different levels (PIC1, PIC2, Master Thesis, etc.).
Open Questions in Particle Physics
In this first 1h30m, you will attend short talks by CFTP researchers who will introduce you to the open questions in Particle Physics.
Coffee break & poster session
During the coffee break there will be a poster session by CFTP Master and PhD students where you can see the exciting projects they are involved in.
Research Proposals
Our researchers will present research projects that you can be involved in. These can give rise to PIC1/PIC2 proposals.
During the Reception there will be food and drinks, and you can discuss with our researchers about the research proposals that were presented before.
Time | Title |
14h00 - 14h10 | Welcome - Margarida Rebelo |
14h10 - 14h30 | The Standard Model of Particle Physics in a nutshel - Filipe Joaquim |
14h30 - 14h50 | Higgs Physics - João Silva |
14h50 - 15h10 | Flavour in Particle Physics: the Flavour problem - Ivo Varzielas |
15h10 - 15h30 | Discrete Symmetries C, P and T - Margarida Rebelo |
15h30 - 16h30 | Coffee Break + CFTP Student Poster Session + Discussion |
16h30 - 16h45 | Multi-Higgs Models, Dark Matter, and Machine Learning - João Silva & Jorge Romão |
16h45 - 17h00 | From path integral to Dark Matter - Filipe Joaquim |
17h00 - 17h15 | Modular symmetries and multi Higgs models with symmetries - Ivo Varzielas |
17h15 - 17h30 | Resonances in the Higgs and Meson Sectors- George Rupp |
17h30 - 17h45 | Discrete symmetries, entanglement and Dark Matter - Margarida Rebelo & Gustavo Branco |
17h45 - 18h00 | Questions from the audience |
18h15 | Reception (food and drinks) - Seminar Room (2nd Floor Physics Department) |
Particle Physics is the most fundamental branch of Physics. At CFTP, we are searching for answers to some of the most exciting puzzles about our Universe, spanning from subnuclear to cosmological scales. Would you like to take a glimpse of it? Check it out below and register to participate in our workshop.
More than 25% of our Universe is made of a special kind of matter which does not shine as regular matter (it is "dark"). We still don't know what is the origin of this Dark Matter (DM).
At CFTP we propose theoretical extensions of the Standar Model which account for the exsitence of DM in several ways
The discovery of the Standard Model Higgs boson was announced on the 4th of July 2012 at CERN. This provided the confirmation of the last missing piece of the Standard Model of particle physics. But why should there be a single Higgs boson?
At CFTP we investigate multi-Higgs models and their impact in particle physics and cosmology.
One of the most intriguing aspects of our Universe has to do with why when we look around it we mostly see matter. What happened in the History of the Universe that made matter prevail over antimatter?
At CFTP we construct new models where this matter-antimatter asymmetry can be explained.
In the Standard Model, neutrinos are strictly massless particles. However, we know that neutrinos have mas because they oscillate among themselves. So, where do neutrino masses come from? Do they acquire mass as the remaining fundamental particles?
The problem of neuitrino masses and implications for cosmology is one of the research topics at CFTP.
Experimentally we know that that there are three families of quarks of leptons. But why three? What is the fundamental reason behind this "magical" number? Can there be more families of quarks and leptons?
At CFTP we study fermionic extensions of the SM which may provide explanation for Dark Matter, neutrino masses, etc...
As far as we know, there are 4 fundamental interactions in Nature: strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravity. But could there new forces that we haven't seen yet? Would these forces be carried by new fundamental particles?
At CFTP we investigate the existence of new forces in Nature and how they can help to solve the open questions in particle physics.
The Large Hadron Collider is the largest machine ever made by Mankind. The Higgs boson has been discovered at the LHC but new exciting Physics may be on the verge of being detected. How will this new Physics be like? We don't know...
At CFTP we envisage new Physics scenarios that could be tested at the LHC and in other experiments.
Fermion masses are very different from each other, and their values are not explained by the Standard Model. The fact that they span over several orders of magnitude is a puzzle to which we haven't found a fundamental reason. Still, there are several ideas about how this is so...
At CFTP we have been constructing theoretical models that can explain the fermion mass pattern.
To participate in our workshop please fill the registration form.
First Name | Last name | University/Affiliation |
Francisco | Albergaria | CFTP - IST |
Ana | Armada | IST |
Aditya | Batra | CFTP - IST |
Gabriel | Beça | IST |
Rafael | Boto | CFTP - IST |
Beatriz | Carvalho | IST |
Diogo | Carvalho | IST |
Gustavo | Castelo Branco | CTFTP - IST |
Rodrigo | Castanheira | IST |
Henrique | Câmara | CFTP - IST |
Duarte | Correia | IST |
Isabel | Dias | IST |
Xingxing | Dong | CFTP - IST |
André | Enes | IST |
Carlos | Espadinha | IST |
Ricardo | Felipe | CFTP - IST |
Rafael | Fernandes | IST |
Pedro | Figueiredo | IST |
Leonor | Gonçalves | IST |
Jan | Hajer | CFTP - IST |
Filipe | Joaquim | CFTP/DF - IST |
Anton | Kuncinas | CFTP - IST |
Beatriz | Lima | IST |
Manuel | Marques | IST |
Maria Teresa | Martins | IST |
Tatiana | Mendes | FCUP |
André | Milagre | CFTP - IST |
Miguel | Moreira | IST |
Daniel | Nunes | IST |
Bruno | Oliveira | CFTP - IST |
Carolina | Oliveira | IST |
Carlota | Pataca | IST |
Gregory | Patellis | CFTP - IST |
David | Pereira | FCUL |
Carolina | Pires | FCUL |
Margarida Nesbitt | Rebelo | CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa |
Tiago | Rebelo | IST |
José | Rocha | CFTP - IST |
George | Rupp | CFTP/IST/UL |
Francisco | Silva | IST |
João | Silva | CFTP/DF - IST |
Andreas | Trautner | CFTP - IST |
Rodrigo | Varela | IST |
Ivo | Varzielas | CFTP/DF - IST |