LHC Seminar: Unveiling the Mystery of Mass
Christoph Paus
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Sala P9, IST, EdifĂcio Matemática
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 at 03:00 PM
One of the prime reasons the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was build is
to resolve the question how particles acquire their mass. While it is
very simple to measure particle masses and we have a model -- the
Standard Model of Particle Physics -- which explains quite accurately
all presently available measurements the seemingly trivial mechanism
of how particle acquire their mass remains a mystery. The Standard
Model invokes a new field, the Higgs field, to resolve this mystery
but we have so far not been able to find experimental evidence for
its existence. The LHC will soon resolve this mystery or.... we have
to seriously reconsider the Standard Model.
I will review what the available data and the Standard Model itself
tell us about the Higgs boson and show the present status of the
searches at LHC and my expectations.
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