Gravitinos in the RSII brane
Dr. Nuno M. C. Santos
(Institut Für Theoretische Physik, Uni. Heidelberg)
Sala P8, IST, Edifício Matemática
Tuesday, March 27th, 2007 at 04:00 PM
Braneworld modifications to the Friedmann expansion law can have an
important effect on the cosmological evolution of the early
universe. In particular, the primordial particle abundances
crucially depend on the rate at which the universe expanded at early
times. We discuss the production of gravitinos, both from thermal
creation and from the decay of a heavy scalar, in the
Randall-Sundrum II braneworld context. After that, we present the
resulting constraints on the parameter space, both for the stable
and unstable gravitino cases. We conclude that, depending on the
value of the 5D fundamental Planck mass, some of the usual standard
cosmology constraints on the reheating temperature and on the mass
of the heavy scalar can be evaded.
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