LHCSeminar: The Totem experiment: Proton Proton cross section measurement and diffraction at LHC
Nicola Turini
(INFN and University of Siena, Italy)
Sala P1, IST, Pavilhão Matemática
Wednesday, April 11th, 2012 at 03:00 PM
The Totem experiment, installed in the interaction point 5 at LHC, has charged particle detectors
that cover a pseudorapidity range up to 6.4 for inelastic detection, and two set of Roman Pots
stations, one at 147 meters and the second at 220 meters from IP5, on both beams that could
measure scattered protons. The 2010-2011 data tacking campaign allowed the measurement
of the differential P-P elastic cross section from 0.02
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