Electromagnetic neutrinos: theory and phenomenology
Alexander Studenikin
(Moscow State University & JINR-Dubna)
Sala 2.8.3, IST, Dept. de FĂsica
Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 at 04:00 PM
In the Standard Model neutrinos are massless and have only weak interactions. However, the observation of neutrino oscillations by many experiments implies that neutrinos are massive and mixed. Therefore, the Standard Model must be extended to account for neutrino masses. In many extensions of the Standard Model neutrinos acquire also electromagnetic properties through quantum loops effects. Hence, the theoretical and experimental study of neutrino electromagnetic interactions is a powerful tool in the search for the fundamental theory beyond the Standard Model. The neutrino electromagnetic properties can have important phenomenological consequences for neutrino interactions in dense astrophysical media where in addition strong magnetic field can be present.
The presentation is focused on the following topics:
the status of neutrino electromagnetic properties and electromagnetic interactions; the neutrino four electromagnetic form factors (the Dirac/Majorana and diagonal/transition cases);
the recent limits on neutrino magnetic moment and millicharge from the reactor antineutrino-electron experiments, as well as the corresponding expected improvements of these limits in the future experiments;
the recent and new astrophysical constraints on neutrino magnetic moment and millicharge;
theoretical methods of description neutrino propagation and interactions in dense magnetized media;
new mechanisms of electromagnetic radiation by neutrinos and electrons in dense matter.
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