Histórias da Física em Portugal no Século XX 

The book Histórias da Física em Portugal no Século XX , published by Gradiva, was presented the past 15 of December at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

The book was edited by Teresa Peña, member of CFTP and the Physics Departament at IST, and GonçaloFigueira, member of IPFN and of the same  Physics Department,
and is made of various stories on marking episodes and stages of the development of Physics during the last century in Portugal.


Mini-Meeting  organized by  CFTP: Connecting formalisms  in Minkowski and Euclidian space
22 and 23 January

A two day meeting of international scholars to discuss relativistic formalisms and methods to
describe the physics of hadron and complex systems is being organized by CFTP.  

The meeting is informal and aims to organize highlights and a research roadmap on how to connect calculations in Minkowski and Euclidian space.

It  takes place in the Conference Room of the Physics Department, starting at 9.30, Friday 22nd, and is open to everybody. 

Master and Ph.D students are welcome. 
The meeting willl provide a unique experience of international  brainstorming.

Alfred Stadler,
Teresa Peña,
Elmar Biernat and
Sofia Leitão

Confirmed international participants:
Jaume Carbonel, Orsay
Franz Gross, Jlab
Tobias Frederico, ITA
Wayne Polyzou, University of Iowa
Gernot Eichmann, U Giessen
Giovanni Salmé, Rome, INFN
Vladimir Karmanov, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow