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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBGLImplementation of the BGL model
 CBosonGauge boson
 CcalcuBmumuCalculus of the constraints coming from the B->mu mu decay
 Ccalcubtosgamma2Calculus of the constraints coming from the b->s gamma decay
 CcalcuObliqueCalculus of the constraints coming from the oblique parameters
 CFermionFermion properties
 CMatrixxClass to represent the mixing matrices VCKM and VPMNS
 CMesonMeson properties
 CMixesDefinition of the couplings for the different BGL models
 CmultivectorA vector of vectors of vectors of... (N times) of class T objects
 Cmultivector< T, 1 >Specialization template class of multivector<T,N> for N=1
 CBGL2A second implementation of the BGL model, for testing purposes
 CcalcuBase class to do the calculus of a constraint to the model
 CcalcubaClass to do the calculus of a constraint based on a GiNaC compiled expression
 CcalcuexClass to do the calculus of a constraint based on a GiNaC symbolic expression
 CdiscreteparameterA parameter which will be fitted in the simulation
 CfreeparameterA parameter which will be fitted in the simulation
 Cgauss2obsSame as gaussobs but with a different initializer, such that the uncertainty sigma is absolute
 CgaussobsAn experimental measure of a parameter which is a mean value and a standard deviation
 ClimitedobsAn experimental measure which is an upper limit on a parameter with a given Confidence Level
 CmeasureA class containing the value and uncertainty of an experimental measure
 CModelAbstract class for a model
 CobservableA base class representing an experimental measure
 CparametersVector of parameters
 CPeakA class containing the parameters of a maximum of the likelihood function
 CpredictionTheoretical expression for an experimental measure
 CProposalA class containing the parameters of a proposal for the next step in the Markov Chain
 CwidthcalcThis class calculates decay widths of one lepton to 3 leptons