List of CFTP Preprints
List of CFTP preprints in 2021


Preprint: CFTP/21-015
Authors: P. P. Novichkov, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov
Title: Modular Flavour Symmetries and Modulus Stabilisation

Preprint: CFTP/21-013
Authors: Francisco Albergaria, Luís Lavoura
Title: Prescription for finite oblique parameters S and U in extensions of the SM with mW different from mZ cos{thetaW}

Preprint: CFTP/21-012
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, B.L. Gonçalves, and F.R. Joaquim
Title: The hidden side of scalar-triplet models with spontaneous CP violation

Preprint: CFTP/21-011
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luis Lavoura
Title: Two-body lepton-flavour-violating decays in a 2HDM with soft family-lepton-number breaking
ArXive: 2107.14207  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/21-010
Authors: Rafael Boto, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: Current bounds on the Type-Z $Z_3$ three Higgs doublet model

Preprint: CFTP/21-009
Authors: Ricardo R. Florentino, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: Off diagonal charged scalar couplings with the Z boson: the Zee model as an example

Preprint: CFTP/21-008
Authors: Joao M. Alves, Francisco J. Botella, Gustavo C. Branco, Fernando Cornet-Gomez, Miguel Nebot
Title: The framework for a common origin of $\delta_{\rm CKM}$ and $\delta_{\rm PMNS}$

Preprint: CFTP/21-007
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luís Lavoura
Title: Fitting the Z b b-bar vertex in the two-Higgs-doublet model and in the three-Higgs-doublet model

Preprint: CFTP/21-006
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Jorge C. Romao
Title: Renormalization of the C2HDM with FeynMaster 2

Preprint: CFTP/21-005
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Maximilian Loschner, Jorge C. Romao, Joao P. Silva
Title: Leaks of CP violation in the real two-Higgs doublet model
ArXive: 2103.05002  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/21-004
Authors: Sergio Carrolo, Jorge C. Romao, Joao P. Silva and Francisco Vazao
Title: Symmetry and decoupling in multi Higgs models

Preprint: CFTP/21-003
Authors: P. P. Novichkov, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov
Title: Fermion Mass Hierarchies, Large Lepton Mixing and Residual Modular Symmetries

Preprint: CFTP/21-002
Authors: Sanjoy Mandal, Jorge C. Romao, Rahul Srivastava and Jose W. F. Valle
Title: Impact of invisible Higgs decays on the vacuum stability in lowscale seesaw

Preprint: CFTP/21-001
Authors: Howard E. Haber, and Joao P. Silva
Title: An exceptional region of the 2HDM parameter space


Last Updated March 31, 2025