This is a collection of lecture notes evolving from classes held over the last years at Técnico Lisboa and the Universities of Giessen and Graz.
QCD and hadron physics
(updated 2020-11-08)1) Introduction
1.1) | Standard Model |
1.2) | Questions in hadron physics |
1.3) | QCD phase diagram |
1.4) | Theoretical methods |
2) QCD
2.1) | QCD Lagrangian |
2.2) | Quantization of QCD |
2.3) | Renormalization |
3) Hadrons
3.1) | Flavor symmetries and currents |
3.2) | Hadron spectrum |
4) Low-energy phenomenology
4.1) | Quark models |
4.2) | Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking |
4.3) | Axial anomaly |
4.4) | Chiral effective field theories |
4.5) | Form factors and scattering amplitudes |
5) High-energy phenomenology
5.1) | Deep inelastic scattering and PDFs |
5.2) | Factorization and Jets |
A) | SU(N) |
B) | Poincaré group |
C) | Euclidean conventions |
- Donoghue, Dynamics of the Standard Model. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
- Halzen and Martin, Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics. Wiley, 1984
- Thomas and Weise, The Structure of the Nucleon. Wiley-VCH, 2001.
- Maggiore, A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Oxford 2005.
- Peskin and Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Perseus 1995.
- Pokorski, Gauge field theories, Cambridge 2000.
Quantum Field Theory
0) | Introduction |
1) | Classical scalar fields |
2) | Quantization of scalar fields |
3) | Dirac field |
4) | Quantization of the Dirac field |
5) | Electromagnetic field |
6) | Interactions and the S-matrix |
7) | Perturbation theory |
8) | Loops and renormalization |
9) | Cross sections and decay rates |
10) | QED |
11) | Renormalization of QED |
12) | Path integrals |
13) | Non-Abelian gauge theories |
Main references:
- Maggiore, A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Oxford 2005.
- Peskin and Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Perseus 1995.
- Weigand, Quantum Field Theory, lecture notes, Heidelberg 2013.
Further reading:
- Weinberg, Quantum Field Theory I + II, Cambridge 1995.
- Itzykson and Zuber, Quantum Field Theory, McGraw-Hill 1980.
- Huang, Quantum Field Theory: From Operators to Path Integrals, Wiley 2004.
- Srednicki, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge 2007.
- Kaku, Quantum Field Theory: A Modern Introduction, Oxford 1993.
- Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge 1996.
- Banks, Modern Quantum Field Theory: A Concise Introduction, Cambridge 2008.
- Haag, Local Quantum Physics: Fields, Particles, Algebras, Springer 1996.
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